Saturday 5 March 2011

Feelynge dellicate?

For this Sabbath I am no Huswife able to werke nor bayke fine, and like to dye upon my couch from greyvus colde of the hede, hath occaysionned from mine faithfull and gentil Knyghte a grete Dyner in possession of healynge powers tayken fromme the grete wysdom of the accomplisht Japaneis. And folowes the instruccion I saieth unto he thys nyte.

Baythe salmon fyllets in poltice of Mirin and soy sauce for as many houres as thou hast to spaire. And within the Braun devyce gather gynger and garlicke and corriander and Oyle, and with fine choppynge forme a payst. Udon noodles do be boyl’d in faire water and drayned. Thy skyllet shall bee set upon the fyre, then salmon upon it layd tyl it doth be cryspe goldness without and so upon that to caste sea weede and the juyce of Lyme.

And so thou mayst serve untto the weake and yll in thine owne howse yf it pleese thee, thys receipt from Goody Macarong doth be humbly given on thys litel Blogge.

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